"Cashbot empowers entrepreneurs with a simple, yet revolutionary, product: fast and affordable business financing all done online. Digital Ant is helping us simply and effectively introduce this ‘revolution’ to potential customers. Cashbot has been able to finance several thousand satisfied clients thanks to Digital Ant’s resourcefulness and willingness to go the extra mile."
— Petr Krajíček, Product and Marketing Manager —

This sloth can run!
We’ve been partners with Cashbot since its start in the summer of 2018. Before launch, we ran a performance validation campaign to confirm market interest in the online arena. We also set up their social media presence — from scratch — both in the Czech Republic and Slovakia.
After two years of a long-term increase in leads within a set CPA, Cashbot’s sloth mascot finally made it onto primetime on Czech TV. We managed the entire digital portion of this huge, nation-wide campaign.
From 2021 to 2023, we took care of Cashbot’s regular newsletters, social media in the CZ and SK markets, visuals across all of digital, and of course our specialty of PPC. This project was an interesting challenge on how to make invoicing and loans something that could actually capture the attention of an audience! We continue running their performance marketing campaigns.
12 000+
total invoices processed, totalling over €70M
Media channels used for performance marketing
Types of digital ads used to signal boost the massive ATL campaign